A collaborative approach to working with Homelessness

Solve homelessness and homeless camps problems with the GIS technology: a Case Study by Esri. Health and Human Services to create a…

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Northern Kentucky tackles the Opioid Epidemic

The story map provides Northern Kentucky with information to combat opioid addiction. A Case Study by Esri. Health and Human Services to…

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Use GIS to help children understand COVID-19

With GIS technology it is possible to explain Coronavirus to children. Mapping the epidemic and analyzing epidemiological factors promotes…

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UNESCO Bangkok, GIS and human trafficking.

Datasets regarding human trafficking are somewhat limited, making any recent literature or projects that incorporate GlS a bit uncommon,…

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MapMaker Interactive: a useful tool to support interactive mapping

MapMaker Interactive allows you to explore different spatial phenomena by adding data layers to your base map. This map is designed to be…

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Kick-off meeting for the traineeship of students

Kick off meeting in smartworking between partners of the MYGEO project

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Follow up meeting with students

Follow up meeting in smartworking between students from Master in "GIScience e droni per la gestione del territorio"

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Final evaluation meeting: the conclusion of the virtual mobility between UNIPD and Geoslab

Susana, Javier and the two students Alice and Matilde partecipated to the final online meeting between UNIPD and Geoslab and tested the…

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The MyGeo MOOC for students – Portfolio MyGeo is online!

From Tuesday 6th October the MyGeo MOOC for students, the first Intellectual Output of the MyGeo Project, is online.

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MyGeo MOOC for students at the International University Congress on content, research, innovation and teaching

The My Geo project and the MOOC for students at the International University Congress

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GeoNovember 2020: the third edition and the collaboration with the MyGeo project!

The month of November between Geography, GIS and GIScience: the third edition of GeoNovember !

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