MY GEO Project
Discover the different uses of GIS technologies, throw the experience of professionals in the geographic sector.
GIS experience: Maria Sebastian Lopez
Maria Sebastian Lopez is a geographer with a PhD in geo-archaeology at the University of Zaragoza.
GIS experience: Antonio Persichetti
Antonio Persichetti is an italian archaeologist and he explains how GIS technology has changed his work and techiques used.
GIS experience: Ondrej KratochvÍl
Ondrej KratochvÍl, geographer and GIS professional, explains the potential power of GIS technologies to take better decisions and to change the world.
GIS Fundamentals
Hardware, software, processes, data and users are the 5 most important GIS elements: the bases of GIS technology, what it is and how it works.
Geo Tools for Employability: GIS is changing the world!
GIS is a key element for the current transformation of our society and provide so many opportunities in so many different fields and occupations.
Can GIS technology change people’s life?
In the following video, Rafael de Miguel, Professor at the University of zaragoza and President of EUROGEO, Massimo De Marchi, Professor at University of Padua and MYGEO Project coordinator, Joseph Kerski, Education Manager at ESRI and Emma Slayton, GIS specialist at Carnegie Mellon University Library, will try to explain how GIS science represent an essential tool to continue their work and how it changed their life.
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