Among the objectives of the “MY GEO” project is the aim to foster the employability of students in higher education by promoting the acquisition of key skills related to the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools.
In this sense the consortium will realise, among others, the”Portfolio MY GEO”: an Intellectual Output aimed at fostering the capacity of University students to demonstrate and present to employers the skills acquired through the use of GIS applications.
The “Portfolio MY GEO” will be finalised through a set of preparatory steps actively involving companies making use of GIS tools and a representation of the outputs’ main target group: University students. A detail of the preparatory steps can be consulted on the page dedicated to “Portfolio My Geo” Intellectual Output of the “MY GEO” project website.
On the 9th of May 2019, a focus group of 24 students has been organised by the University of Zaragoza: the students have discussed about the competences, related to the use of GIS tools, most commonly requested by the job market. And, as a consequence: about their learning needs in relation to the competences identified. The focus group of students was moderated by the UNIZAR Professors: De Miguel, Pueyo, Sebastian and Zuñiga. The competences identified by the students were divided in two categories: “Transversal skills” and “GIS” skills. More than identifying a set of key competences the students prioritized the competences according to their perceived importance. Moreover the students identified, among the skills included in the two categories, the ones they think are more useful and important to get a job: in relation to the common use of GIS tools made by employers. The outcomes of the focus group held in Zaragoza will feed the ongoing research, carried out in collaboration by the four partner Universities of the “MY GEO” project. The results of the research will ultimately feed and contribute to: the “Portfolio My GEO” Intellectual output.On following some pictures of the event.