The training session “Zaragoza, open, participatory and democratic city” will be held on Wednesday 18th November, to celebrate the 25 years of experience of the Zaragoza City Council website.
The Office for Participation, Transparency and Open Government is launching a training cycle that will be held periodically from this date, to inform and train citizens on various issues related to the scope of this service.
In this first edition, open data will be the protagonists, emphasizing their importance to build a more informed, critical and participatory citizenship. In this context will be presented MyGeo project, an important goal for us!
You can partecipate in two ways: in person and online.
In person: Limited capacity. Click here to access the Action protocol in preventive matters at “ETOPIA Centro de Arte y Tecnología”.
Online: Registered members will be able to access the live streaming whit Zoom system.
How: Click here to fill in the online registration form in the Zaragoza Council Open Government Platform (request preference for face to face, online assistence and register in one of the two workshop).
End of Registration Period: November 16, 2020.
Place: Auditorium of the ETOPIA Center for Art and Technology Building (Av. De la Ciudad de Soria, 8, 50003), Phone: 976 72 66 27

- 10.00 to 10.30: Opening of the Conference
Mr. Jorge Azcón Navarro – Excmo. Mr. Mayor of Zaragoza
Mr. Javier Rodrigo Lorente – Counselor of Participation and Relationship with Citizens
Mr. Rafael de Miguel González – President of the European Geography Society (EUROGEO) and Director of the MYGEO project, University of Zaragoza.
Ms. María Jesús Fernández Ruiz – Technical Office for Participation, Transparency and Open Government. Responsible for the municipal website since 1994
- 10.30 to 12.30: Round table “Data for an open, participatory and democratic city”
Mr. Oscar Corcho – Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Mr. Francisco Javier Zarazaga Soria – Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering at the University of Zaragoza.
Mr. Roberto Magro Pedroviejo – Head of Interactive Services of the Alcobendas City Council. Responsible for the municipal website, transparency, open data and ICT accessibility.
Mr. Honorio Enrique Crespo Díaz-Alejo – Head of the Access to Information Service. Sub-directorate of Transparency of the Madrid City Council.
Mr. Ángel Pueyo Campos – Professor of the Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (Human Geography Area) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Zaragoza.
Moderator: Mª Jesús Fernández Ruíz – Head of the Office of Participation, Transparency and Open Government of the Zaragoza City Council.
- 16.00 to 16.30: Inauguration of the workshops
Mr. José Antonio Mayoral Murillo – Rector Magnificent of the University of Zaragoza
Mr. Fernando López Martín – Director of the Geographic Institute of Aragon (IGEAR)
- 16.30 to 18.30: Workshop: “Reuse of open data: the case of public procurement”
On-site : PC’s Room (Limited capacity)
Coordinated by: Oscar Corcho – Polytechnic University of Madrid.In this workshop we will learn to understand and explore the information available on public contracts carried out by the Zaragoza City Council.
- 16.30 to18.00: Training seminar: Open Data and Maps to tell stories and develop participatory citizenship: “My world in fifteen minutes” and “Collaborative Maps”
On-site : Etopia Auditorium (Limited capacity)
This seminar talks about tours. Because of the critical role data and maps play in times of uncertainty, helping to combat misinformation and hostility.
Mr. Viriato Monterde Alloza– Degree in Journalism from the European University of Madrid and the University of Lünd.
Mrs. María Zúñiga Antón – Contracted Professor Doctor of the Department of Geography and Land Management (Human Geography Area) of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Zaragoza. He is part of the Study Group on Land Use Planning (GEOT). Zaragoza Map to Map project and MYGEO project.
Mrs. María Sebastián López – Assistant Professor of the Department of Specific Didactics (Didactic Area of Social Sciences) of the Faculty of Education. It is part of the University Institute of Environmental Sciences (IUCA) and the ARGOS Group. Zaragoza Map to Map project and MYGEO project.
- 18.30 Closing of the Conference
Mr. Javier Rodrigo Lorente – Councilor for Participation and Relationship with Citizens of the Zaragoza City Council.
Click here to download the PDF program in Spanish and for more information about speacker profiles.