MY GEO Project
The project “Geo tools for Modernization and Youth Employment – MY GEO” is promoted by a consortium of nine partner organizations and two associated partners from three European countries: Belgium, Italy and Spain.
In details the project consortium is composed by: Four partner Universities that have been identified on the basis of their solid know-how and long-lasting experience of research upon the use of GIS tools in didactics.
Four partner companies that have been selected since their expertise in using GIS tools for their daily work. The companies work in different sectors: hence they make use of similar tools for different purposes and apply those in different geographic contexts.
One international NGO: network of stakeholders working to foster the use of GEO-tools in teaching and learning methodologies throughout Europe.
Two associated partners: NGOs active in the field of youth policies, that will support the communication and dissemination of the project activities and their related outputs.
In details the nine partner organizations supporting the implementation of the “MY GEO” project are:
The University of Padua is one of the top Higher Education Institutions in Italy with approximately 60,000 students: founded in 1222, the University now encompasses 32 Departments. The Department of Civil Environmental and Architectural Engineering of the University of Padua, coordinates the interdepartmental second level professional Master’s in GIScience and Unmanned Systems for the integrated management of territory and natural resources. The master allows close collaboration between firms and the department providing educational, research and professional practices based on interdisciplinarity and contacts with work opportunities. The University of Padua is the coordinator of the “MY GEO” project.
Ghent University was established in 1817 and has 11 faculties, which offer high quality and research-based educational programmes in almost each scientific discipline. Currently there are about 9000 staff members and over 41000 students. The CartoGIS research group – inside the Department of Geography of the Ghent University – is centred on geographical information, as this underpins both the domain of cartography and geographical information science. Within the “MY GEO” project: Ghent University is leading the development of the “MY GEO Mobility” Intellectual Output.
The University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) is a public higher education and research institution in the service of society, and combining a tradition of over 500 years of history with constantly updated teaching approach. It has been one of the first universities to adapt to the European Higher Education Area and is at the forefront of international mobility, offering bachelor degrees, masters, and doctorates adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Within the “MY GEO” project UNIZAR is leading the development of the “Portfolio MY GEO” Intellectual Output.
The National Distance Education University (UNED) is a public university, based in Madrid (ES) and the main Spanish institution for distance and blended learning. It was founded in 1972 along the lines of the British Open University staff. The Geography Department is in charge of GIS teaching, a subject on two Degrees: Degree of Geography and History (4th Year) and Degree in Environmental Sciences (1st year), Master and Doctorate programs. Within the “MY GEO” project UNED is leading the development of the “MY GEO MOOC for teachers” Intellectual Output.
A.R.S. Progetti S.p.a. is a consulting firm based in Rome (IT) and working all over the world providing services, such as surveys, studies, design and technical assistance, mainly to public committers and for public interests, in fields related with governance and human development, culture and cultural heritage, social and physical infrastructure. The staff of A.R.S. Progetti makes wide use of GIS tools in particular for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage throughout the globe.
GeoSLab is a company based in Zaragoza (ES) owning a wide experience in the scope of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) and the INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/CE), at national and European level. GeoSLab offers to public entities and companies advisory and consultancy services to set up a SDI and the group of technologies and products that facilitates its implementation.
EUROGEO is an authoritative body for research, training and education in geography, GIS and related subject areas, including demographics, environment and earth science. EUROGEO has a strong track record in supporting the use of open data and developing open science and open learning opportunities. More than 400 individuals and organisations are members and the association links to over 15,000 contacts in Europe and more than 2,000 beyond Europe. EUROGEO will lead the monitoring and evaluation activities foreseen within the “MY GEO” project.
A.R.S. for Progress of People (ARS4Progress) is a non-profit organization based in Brussels. ARS4Progress works for the promotion of economic, social and cultural development in all its facets, with special attention to issues related to education, youth policy and civil society. ARS for Progress is an associated partner in charge of the dissemination and communication activities foreseen within the “MY GEO” project.
GisHub is a non-profit organization based in Padua and working to gather lecturers, researchers, students, professionals and citizens interested in the applications of GIS tools and new technologies of geographic information for the empowerment, inclusion and engagement of citizens. GIs Hus is associated partner of the project and will support its implementation and idssemination in particular in the city of Padua.