MY GEO Project
– MOOC Release
The MyGeo MOOC for students (Portfolio MYGEO) is now available and open for everyone!
You can register at this link and start the course immediately! The course is available in English, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.
This tool is divided in 8 modules that develop several skills such as data storage, spatial analysis, 3D models, etc., but also transversal skills as analytical and critical thinking, business competences, or interpersonal competences. In every module you will find the presentation of the professional that works in projects related to the topic of the module.
You will also find a case study to understand better what is the usefulness of the particular geospatial technologies.
Finally, there is an exercise explained step by step, which you can replicate to train as a real geospatial professional.
Download here the Leaflet and share it!

– Portfolio MY GEO
The Portfolio MY GEO is an online tool aimed at fostering the capacity of students in higher education to acquire key skills on the use of GIS applications commonly used by private companies.
The Portfolio MY GEO will be composed by different sections: each collecting examples on how GIS tools are concretely used by private companies working in different economic sectors.
Each example will be associated with a set of key competences needed to make use of the GIS tools presented. Each key competence will be associated with an online training module targeted to students in higher education and meant to foster the acquisition of the target competence.
As for the “MOOC for teachers”, this structure will allow the users to define their own “training needs”: in relation to the competences and GIS tools of interest. Each training module will contain a section for the evaluation of the effective skills acquired by the user.
The training modules composing the PORTFOLIO GIS is now freely accessible online from the link above!
– Chain of Actions
The Portfolio “MY GEO” is one of the key results of the project and all the project partners will contribute to its realization.
In particular the partners will initially research and collect examples on different possible uses of GIS tools in different economic sectors: so to provide the widest possible spectrum on the applicability of GIS tools.
From the analysis of the collected examples, the partners will identify, through a survey, a set of key skills related to the most common use of GIS tools by private companies: focusing on the competences most commonly requested in the labour market (File: EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS).
Each skill will be associated with a “training curriculum” and an online training module meant to foster the acquisition of the related competence.
The contents developed will be verified and validated by the target population: students in higher education who will be consulted through the organization of focus groups. Each partner institution will organize a focus group of at least 20 students: for a total of 4 focus groups implemented in Italy, Spain and Belgium and 80 students involved in the analysis and evaluation of the contents produced (File: Students_Focus_group).
All the contents produced and validated by the target population will be collected in the first version of the Portfolio “MY GEO”. This will be submitted again to the attention of the focus group members, who will test its use from remote and will give feedback with respect to its perceived quality and relevance of contents.
The activities described will constitute the “Working Package n.3” of the “My Geo” project: aimed at favoring the “OCCUPABILITY” of students in higher education through the acquisition of key skills related to the use of GIS tools in the labour market.
The working package will be coordinated by the University of Zaragoza, that will be responsible for the implementation of the chain of actions described for the achievement of the expected results.
All partners projects will collaborate and contribute to the production of the Intellectual Output, each according to its specific know-how.
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